Fallout 3
Diablo 2
Warcraft 3
Resistance: Fall of Man
Fallout 3: It was awesome, but...
Diablo 2: Epic, possible canidate
Warcraft 3: It was good, not great
Resistance: It was ok, not even close to best game ever
Bioshock: If this was the creepiest game ever, then yes, this would win.
Fallout 3: It was awesome, but...
Diablo 2: Epic, possible canidate
Warcraft 3: It was good, not great
Resistance: It was ok, not even close to best game ever
Bioshock: If this was the creepiest game ever, then yes, this would win.
Yeah a lot of people don't agree about fall of man, but it was like the cornerstone of online gaming for the PS3 for me and a few friends, so it will always be one of the best games ever for us.
Well I can say games That I thought where good
Borderlands was awsome
Bioshock..Epic cant wait for Bioshock2 BIG SISTER FTW!
and World of warcraft is fun
^Yep, tribunal was awesome, even if it made you able to take a full assassin's armor at the very start of te game which made you kinda invincible for the first levels if you were a good at light armor.
Anyway, yeah Morrowind game of the year for me