Originally Posted by Sickshot View Post
Fallout 3
Diablo 2
Warcraft 3
Resistance: Fall of Man

Fallout 3: It was awesome, but...
Diablo 2: Epic, possible canidate
Warcraft 3: It was good, not great
Resistance: It was ok, not even close to best game ever
Bioshock: If this was the creepiest game ever, then yes, this would win.
Vibacious - - Get vibin'

Originally Posted by Cretor View Post
Fallout 3: It was awesome, but...
Diablo 2: Epic, possible canidate
Warcraft 3: It was good, not great
Resistance: It was ok, not even close to best game ever
Bioshock: If this was the creepiest game ever, then yes, this would win.

Yeah a lot of people don't agree about fall of man, but it was like the cornerstone of online gaming for the PS3 for me and a few friends, so it will always be one of the best games ever for us.
Well I can say games That I thought where good
Borderlands was awsome
Bioshock..Epic cant wait for Bioshock2 BIG SISTER FTW!
and World of warcraft is fun

that is games I think are cool
Back in business
For me it's between these:

Disciples 2: Dark Prophecy
Morrowind: GOTY edition (that's morrowind+tribunal+bloodmoon)

I also really enjoyed Bioshock, but i wouldn't put it in my top 3.
^Yep, tribunal was awesome, even if it made you able to take a full assassin's armor at the very start of te game which made you kinda invincible for the first levels if you were a good at light armor.
Anyway, yeah Morrowind game of the year for me
Originally Posted by taffjr1234 View Post
good point but all activions games have beed good sooo

Not quite

Ever played Tony Hawks Proving Ground, GH Aerosmith, and World Tour
The games I had the most fun playing would probably be either Civilization 4 and its expansions or the first Dawn of War games.
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