Belt: Brown, around 100 games to black
Best Mod:Judo DM, Wushu is a so-so, Taekkyon's my favourite mod now and I'm getting better
Why should we let you join the Klan Opposition:I'm going to request quite alot of training.That means the members will be together more often.(And I'm not such a bad player though :P )
Any special skills that can be useful to the clan: (making textures or avatars or something): Currently no, but if you want to I could learn to do it since I've got photoshop.
How active are you ingame and on the forums. : Im really often ingame, though I'm not really active on the forums since I dunno what to post...
Previous clans:Some small non official clans.
How do you feel about the current clans/ What do you think of the current clans? : Every clan does his job quite good as far as I can tell since I think they got alot of fun
Post at least one good replay of you in your best mod, and 2 replays of you in any mods. I don't have a good Wushu replay, but I think those'll be enough