Christmas Lottery
I am not seeing any of cc's pics... I must be going insane... Also, I would love to get in game and play, but my house is a disaster... My mother is enraged, and thus it all falls down on me to do it all... Wish me luck!
Silly ToriBash. Fyre doesn't die.
The guy who killed the people during the batman movie in Aurora, Colorado posted something about him doing it on 4chan.
That guy named Poppo
You know, the leader of Fyre.

hlmaster Moderated Message:
Last edited by Hlmaster; Aug 1, 2012 at 08:02 AM. Reason: Stupid /
i like cats
hl, hte pic showed up for me... so stfu <3
Last edited by itsbruce; Aug 1, 2012 at 05:36 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
i like cats

Even though you dont know the context of this picture,
is it still funny? (It was a joke from a photoshopbattle I had on reddit.)
Needs more freetime
The author's photoshop skills are flawless...
In a more realistic universe, I suppose it is slightly humorous. Not among my favorites, but it is fairly decent.
Silly ToriBash. Fyre doesn't die.
Hi, guys.
I fell like playing right now. /jo Fyre
I'm of now. I will be back on in an hour.
I problely be in-active for the rest of the day.
I figured out how to activate grandets and blood and dq color.
i fell like playing now
/jo Fyre
Last edited by joshjoshua; Aug 2, 2012 at 12:36 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump