Christmas Lottery
Belt: Brown

fave mods: Running.tbm

reason for wanting to join: I just wanna be in a clan.

Previous Clans: None

Age: 10 IMAO!

IRC/Forum/Ingame Activity: (Hours per day): 30 minutes
Other: Nothing

Replays: Attachments
Attached Files
awesome3.rpl (27.3 KB, 6 views)
DAMN2.rpl (35.5 KB, 5 views)
your right.actually make it 13+.<--------You Now Why.
Oh Man this is taling gonna make party when we get official.
ANyoen selling plasma force and platinum Primary?
If yes say so plz.
Last edited by killer321; Nov 20, 2009 at 07:19 PM.
Visit my shop it has the best Items with the lowest prices!
Alot of 13-14 year olds are too. I happen to be very mature for my age. :P

But, 13+ it is.
T1cux: clan have eggs.