Lol, you guys are crazy.
[SmallBowl] [fallu] [Moop] [Parrot] [SkulFuk] [Icky] [Sassy]
Need help with any market related questions? Feel free to PM ME. <Powas> I've got a degree in 1001 techniques of masturbation
I poisoned myself with it once. Threw up bile and other green shit any time I tried to eat something for 9 days. Almost died of dehydration too. Good times in forest town.
[18:33] <Ele_> man I wish I had a dick to suck for drugfs rn
It looks like a hard, green crystal and emits black smoke when in contact with flame. Smelling it a little is good for body and spirit, totally breathing it in properly fucks you up. The first few days you'll feel like you don't get tired, no hunger, no thirst. If you just smelled a little, that's it. Thus it can be good if your gonna spend some time without food or water. Within 2-3 days, you'll be human again with hunger and thirst. If you smelled a lot, you'll continue to not feel hunger or thirst. After maybe two nights, you'll feel horrible. If you eat or drink anything, you'll throw up. A bit of fruit? Vomit. Some rice? Vomit. A small cup of water? Vomit. Body and head pain and constant diarrhea is a nice bonus too.
Your vomit will be green and filled with bile. If you just smelled a little you sometimes cleanse your gallbladder regurgitate a bit of bile. Too much black smoke and you vomit maybe 100ml of it at a time.
The only thing I know that you can drink without trowing up is coconut-water, but even that only in too small sips to suvive more than a two weeks.

The way I got the poison to pass was cooling myself off by bathing in the river at night. It's not really considered a poison, since it's not in small doses. The actual poisons are a bit more painful or otherwise horrendous.
[18:33] <Ele_> man I wish I had a dick to suck for drugfs rn
Sounds like a very weird, but useful drug in some circumstances.
[SmallBowl] [fallu] [Moop] [Parrot] [SkulFuk] [Icky] [Sassy]
Need help with any market related questions? Feel free to PM ME. <Powas> I've got a degree in 1001 techniques of masturbation
OH. well then why do the people make it and smell it ? I mean even a little bit of it would fuck you a lot. Also you should have told me about this just yesterday. My friends needs such thing really a lot. He's traveling by sea for 7 days with no food. He's traveling by sea from Turkey to Italy by a small and dangerous boat illegally to Italy. I told him to not be part of that but he insisted and some sepa might have helped him live for 7 days with no food without hunger or thirst.
He would have died on the third or fourth day. It's not something you make, just look for and find. You feel like you don't need nutrition, but you'll still die of thirst. If you smell a little it's for cleansing the gallbladder (probably other uses too I don't know about; I was told it is used more by children than adults), and people normally eat even if they don't feel hungry. The problem is that if you smell too much, you are incapable of eating and drinking and you'll be unable to properly function after 2-3 days even if you manage to get some liquid in you.

I hope your friend doesn't get eaten by the others on the trip.

I think it has potential to help you if you are lost and need to hunt or get somewhere far away without eating or drinking. The reason I have never heard of it being used like that, is that even if lost in the forest, there's water and food everywhere if you know where to look, and the potential risk of smelling too much make's it a poor choice.
[18:33] <Ele_> man I wish I had a dick to suck for drugfs rn
Thats the main problem though Liaxo. Most people, if they got stranded on like an island they wouldn't know what to eat, etc. They might even try drinking the ocean water if they're thirsty enough and can't seem to find fresh water. So, I think it does have some practical uses. Just all depends on the circstances.

Also, how l33t will I be once I reach 13337 posts?
[SmallBowl] [fallu] [Moop] [Parrot] [SkulFuk] [Icky] [Sassy]
Need help with any market related questions? Feel free to PM ME. <Powas> I've got a degree in 1001 techniques of masturbation
I think it only exists in le Amazon rainforest, so I didn't take into account its uses on a remote island.
A friend of mine was coming from the forest to stay a while with me in Norway, and he asked if he should maybe bring it and sell it. I told him westerners would kill themselves if they had it. He didn't bring it.
I am become the destroyer the sẽpa market.

I suppose you could take some amphetamine if you wanna feel not hungry, you don't mind sweating a lot, increased blood pressure, not sleeping, increased chance of heart attacks, and your penis not working.

13337 posts? dayum
[18:33] <Ele_> man I wish I had a dick to suck for drugfs rn