
someone should tell this vayne that maybe dying 15 times while roaming around the unwarded botside enemy jungle is a worse idea than just farming up

The game went from 21-22 with even lanes to like 25-35 purely down to vayne and trynd roaming through the enemy jungle alone for reasons not entirely obvious to me. Both of them got pooped on in lane yet played like they were stronger and it really cost both of them. As usual, vayne blamed me for not having a big enough backpack. Welp.
Originally Posted by Monk View Post
1shot rengar, ritoplsdontnerf

Sell boots and jungle item for double PD for real oneshots
>Has Z-Drive in passive
>ign is C Drive
>sudden compulsion to main overwhelming
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
I was really hoping ekko would be jg viable, but sadly all of his abilities scale ap.
Maybe I could just play him like diana with the nashors lich bane.

Or build him ad anyway, I mean his passive, semi-targetable dash, and aoe stun are still pretty damn nice.

EDIT: Actually, now that I've checked, his ap scalings are pretty awful unless you're relying on his ult for damage.
Last edited by Skolfe; May 14, 2015 at 08:19 AM.
Originally Posted by Lane View Post
Sell boots and jungle item for double PD for real oneshots

nahw, jungle item for a trinity.

you need the boots to actually reach ur target with ult.
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Awaken, awaken, awaken, awaken. Take the land, that must be taken. Awaken, awaken, awaken, awaken. Devour worlds, smite forsaken
Is this a ranked game in a Gold Div?? Smite and Udyr is OP, Rito, pls nerf Irelia. :v

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Did anyone here see the champ reveal for Ekko?
Lets places bets on how soon they are gonna nerf his ult damage
That baby aint mine