Blazing just apologized for his behaviour and he wants to rejoin
I don't know about this
So I will let u vote
If he gets 3yesses he will be in
If he gets 2 nos he will be rejected
What do uthink
Guys why not making a whatsapp group?
Pm me or just post theme here
But what if the leader wants be back and welcomes me back ?
ignore the rest :P
well, you man are not smart...
first: why did you post this pm(s) in a global thread if it's "privet message"
second: my spelling is not so much bad... -_-
third: don't lie in your pm's about what we did said
But the way, the means you are just a small KID
If Something doesn't want 1Blazing1 posting, then he should say so himself. If he does, I'll start deleting Blazing's post