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Why do I get the feeling you think every single player in Bronze are legitimately retarded? Not everyone in Bronze are <500 MMR lmao
Although now saying this, in one of my series matches for Silver 5 I got tower-dove by 3 players as Thresh and I ended up getting a triple kill, so yeah gg
Honestly here in the Phils server Bronze and Silver players (and sometimes some Gold that slipped through the cracks) are fckin idiots who don't know how to play with a team in ranked games and who don't adjust. Seriously, they're so idiotic and really want to push their claim on the lane. "Oh first pick, you want mid? I want mid too! I won't adjust!" Conclusion? We have 2 APs and 2 people on the mid lane. <Seriously?! Is this a ranked game for gold players? I thought players who got Gold actually have better experience than those idiots on the lower ranks, but then again, some guys just let other people play their games for them (pilot). Honestly, Some Gold - Bronze players are pretty stupid when it comes to rank games.
I'm Gold 3 and still experience this kind of shit. Hope Plat is a much better place for players like me.
Also the fact that sometimes they go AFK or play a ranked game when they know that they lag annoys me. Or when they got killed early they'll be like "GG" "No chance" "No hope" "I blame the jungle" "Mga bobo! (Idiots/weak)" *Disconnects/leaves*