An addition to the applications. Because we sometimes accept total dickheads.
1. Have you ever been banned? If so, why?
2. Have you read the rules? (3/4 people say no, including me, because I'm not a total asshole who doesn't know to be respectful)
3. Which Country do you live in? (Because some people don't know English as much as others)
Also, GRAMMAR CHECK. This sometimes determines the kind of person they are.
GOOD: Hello, I'm [NAME] and I'm posting an application, hopefully I get accepted.
ALSO GOOD: hey, i'm [NAME] and i'm going to post an application, i hope i get in. (Referring to Grayve and Squirre1, because they're smart, but their English isn't excellent, but it's still great.)
BAD: hai im [NAME] an i liek 2 be in pirates so i gonna post aplicaton nao