I think that an app should be appropriate now.
Name: Markus
Age: 17
Belt: 8th dan
GMT: +1
Past Clans: Bro (inofficial), fl0w, (was joining deadly seven but it died during my test time).
Special Skills (Art, Videos, Marketing, Events, Etc..): Can't say that I do anything I'm exceptional at, but I do have tried a little bit of everything.
Player Card:
Previous Nicks or Former Accounts? (If any): My first acc, monolala (black belt) and now this, also do have an account named waok, (it's like orange or something).
Recommendations/Vouchers (eVo & Single Allies):
Modes You're Good At (Wushu, Aikido, TaekKyon, Kickbox, Etc..): I think I'm a ''all around'' player, nothing I've been trying to become extremely good at lately. I ised to have aikidobd as main but then I joined fl0w and started to play alot of brushu.
About Yourself: Well, my name is Markus, I live in Sweden (duh), I'm studying nature science focus forest, living at my school except for the weekends. Not much more to say there. (Want to know anything more about, just ask)
Why Do You Want To Join [eVo]: Seems like a awesome clan with good guys in it. Think I can blend pretty good, think we'll have many laughs together. I've been enjoying playing with you guys and I think it'll only be better. (If I'll get accepted)
What Do You Wish To Accomplish Here/Future Plans If Accepted Into [eVo]: I want to be apart of this clan and in the future help it in all the ways I can, if there's a problem for the clan/members I'll try to help out as much as I can (that's what clan members do, I look at it like a family). I'll do my best to fit in and I don't really know what I can do to bring ''fame'' or success for this clan (not because it's necessary but still).
I know that this is a rather short app, but I don't know what more to add, so this'll have to do.
Last edited by swedishpower; Feb 13, 2013 at 12:26 PM.