Dylin he just means typing invade and then at the end typing / invade. Personally i think its stupid. But whatever. Im pretty sure we arent recruiting right now though.
Kaz: The vid is going to have actual replays in it too. We are going to have around 10 intros(im limiting them at max 5 seconds each) so thats 50 seconds. The intro isnt going to be all intros and then random replays afterwards, each person is going to have a bit of time dedicated to them. Probably around 20 seconds for each person. Which comes out to around 4 minutes. If we had less people then i could dedicate more time to each person. But as it is, i have bruce's, ulti's kaya's, mine, mj's, and possibly nik's(i didnt really like his much. its a little too short). I still need fuse's, austin's, loru's, poppo's, and brad's. From the look of it though, loru, poppo and fuse might not be included seeing as i have absolutely nothing in way of replays from them. And possibly brad too but kaz can get him to make some replays. So actually, excluding those three, at five seconds per intro, thats 35 seconds. Leaving 4 minutes and 25 seconds max. Which comes out to around 40 seconds per person. Which is plenty of time. So yeah. Turning out well so far. But its taking longer than i thought.