Hypersaint is denied. App was NOT up to par.

So umm...

Last edited by Cheshyre; Aug 3, 2014 at 09:43 PM.
My signature was too long so I got this pretty rainbow here instead now. Isn't it nice? This is a nice rainbow.

Risk did this to me and I hate him forever, please join the official "Fuck Risk in the Ass With a Live Bat" social group to join me in hating Risk:
Click here to join my cult to fuck Risk in the ass with a live bat
Name:Jalon Johnson
Competitve Game Modes:Abd,Mushu/Boxshu,Lenshu,Wushu,Rk-mma.
Personal Info:I Likez Big Butts And I Can Not Lie. I Mostly Spar And Half The Times I Don't Even Focus On Attack Just Balance And Evasion Im More Of A Counter Type. I Love To Spar And Parkour And I Do Kickboxing,Krav Maga,Muay Thai,And Of Course Everyones Favorite TaeKwanDo,Im Practicing On Jiu Jujitsu which is basically a Japanese martial art for defeating an armed and armored opponent in which one uses no weapon, or only a short weapon. Practitioners neutralize an enemy with pins, joint locks, and throws by using an attacker's energy against him, rather than directly opposing it (as with other martial arts such as karate). There are five main areas or arts of training: blocking, fulcrum throw, non-fulcrum throw, escaping, and striking.

I Hope I Can Get Recruited And InCase If You Have Skype My Skype Is Jalon.johnson4
Last edited by Brazzerz; Aug 6, 2014 at 08:37 AM. Reason: To Have A Legit Chance Of Trying To Join
Ello [Obey]members,
I think you guys should invite me to [Obey] cause I need a new clan this clan is getting old for me and all the members hate me cause I recruited someone with out me knowing that I wasn't supposed to so I had a friend re-invite me but this clan barley has anyone on so I wanna join [Obey] for an active clan my clan leader doesn't even get on any more I just want an active clan so i'm never the only clan member on cause it's better with clan members cause you can do clan wars and it's just better with clan members online also. So last tim you said short wouldn't be enough. I'll tell you somethings about me I like to free run and I like to play guitar my favirote mods are Aikido.ect,Ninjutsu,and Taekkyon. I'd like to join this cause I know some of the clan members from my alt M34NGR33N.
Ello bitches i'm a ninja bannana
Originally Posted by T0ribaby0 View Post
I know some of the clan members from my alt M34NGR33N.

lying isnt a good way to get in