I don't agree with this. Just build for the split push game and duel people if you don't have a teamcomp that will do well in teamfights.
usually you wont be able to duel anyone after going 0/8 in lane after being camped by jungler
though yasuo top could be viable, sometimes jungler ignore that lane
anyway, asuming you get out of lane phase in a good spot, you can splitpush, but still, at some point youll be stuck pushing a wave into the turret and their top cleaning it, then youre just an ordinary splitpusher, which any other splitpush champ wouldve done just as well, so if you dont get a teamcomp to help yasuo be good in teamfights, if you wanna just splitpush with him then may as well picked a champ to do the same thing but be better by himself in teamfight when one breaks out.
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