Christmas Lottery
Are we on different challenges or like... we competing for master race.

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I think I might be retired.
Lol. Idek what is happening.

So... Satan. I see you want a forum pack of your tori. Okay, cool. Ill get started soon.
click my sig for a great time (WIP)
im smoking weed out of a pussy filled with money i like this
Originally Posted by Nagato9757 View Post
Lol. Idek what is happening.

So... Satan. I see you want a forum pack of your tori. Okay, cool. Ill get started soon.

Not of the tori as such, but the same sort of style as my tori. But yeah, thanks man
Let Satan guide you
I'll start on mine whenever I get around to it (and whenever I get everyone's tori pictures all together). I'm still waiting until the next update so I can get them sexy custom heads. THEN I'll work on getting my set together. So as it is... I will not be appearing in the banner for a little while.

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I think I might be retired.
[Origin]The talk thread(invaders welcome)
I know! And thank you very much. But I'm really picky and will probably design my own set. I still need the pieces so I can actually wear it though.

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I think I might be retired.