[Piratez] Clan texture shop.
I've seen that in Piratez there's quite a lot of good artists.
I don't know if you people agree but I think it's a great idea to make a shop with ALL Piratez cartoon artists which would be chris20236,vexon459,GrayveXP,8OJ4N and me of course.
Thi shop would get a lot fo customers and my idea isd that the texturer gets paid for their requests and pays PiratezChest the 1/4 of it.
If you can't count what that is use a calculator XD.
This shop would be the biggest and the best shop ever.
And Piratez will be a legend forever (Not that it is already but like...An even bigger legend.)
Also I think if the idea applies to all the artists then the shop should be called 'Piratez texture shop'
Share your ideas.