Ranked games like these :'D
Been winning 5 games straight! Got to series for G1, wish me luck Toribashians! ^_^
*Their Vayne got DCed so we won in over 20 mins :3
5 ranked losses today because team lanes get stomped and they decide to forfeit. Why can't I have at least one other decent player on my team today, Rito? :<
W o w leavers get reported and banned here in my country.
Current LP? My team's always awesome now since socky kids have school and all the guys left playing either are adults or skilled kids who stopped schooling
Was at 0LP but I just played Blitzcrank went 4/1/9. Luckily some ADCs are absolutely brain dead and completely ignore the fact I can hook them and kill them rofl. Also it helped that their Jungler decides to tower dive at lvl 6 so I just hook them back in and get free gold.
<AlphasoniK> Kristis: What the fuck is wrong with you, rainbow loving panda freak.
Seriously, try to piss standing up for a change. No life girly pants dimwit.