Secret Santa 2024
We just could say the whole February is 2pro's birthday .


I just saw this shuffle event, but i wont particiape because of that prize for the 1st place .
Yep. He can be really funny, but also can be really mean, thats why he is in the douche list. But still hes a friend.
The first prize is a joke.
And about the trolling guy, let him be. If we confront him it would look immature; one man vs a whole clan, sounds pathetic to me. If you meet him in game again just remember the rules on how we deal with those kinds of idiots.
[Hunters] Pack Elder | Events squad leader | RSO | MMO
well, i clearly dont like people insulting my family irl and our clan, but like kicks said, we wont try to escalate the problem, but if kasika makes a big deal out of it(wich i dont think will happen), i think we might have to do something about it.