You can start poking effectively on Azir at level 2 of q. You can farm without your soldiers just fine, his auto is pretty damn reliable, but optimal farming is using 1 soldier so long as you still have 1 stored for backup.
First powerspike is when you finish the two components for Morellonomicon. After that, you can get powerspikes from Zhonya's, Luden's, Rylai's, and Nashor's if you sell your nomicon at late game for more as if you don't need the grevious proc.
Standard runepage for him should be a scaling cdr blues page (15% at 18 -), so you can just get the 5% from masteries and get a 20% cdr item and be k for his passive.
Last edited by Oracle; Jun 30, 2015 at 02:44 AM.
Reason: fuck emotes