[Origin]The talk thread(invaders welcome)
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We went to a high school for a different county. The high school that the rest of my old friends went to was where I was going to go to before my parents signed me up to go to the better school. They accept 50 kids each year from my county and I was one of the lucky few that got to go along with my friend that I was talking about, but once we got there he met a lot of new people from different countys and he became friends with them. He proceeded to not talk to me again.
That sounds like 90% of my ex-friends from Kansas.
Also, it has occured to me that in many cases during my time in our servers, I tend to be the one managing the whole recruitment process. That has changed recently, but I assume it is part of my job. I want war privileges.
Last edited by Grohenbird; Mar 29, 2014 at 07:02 PM.