Clan Elite Public Humiliation Series!
Okay guys, I now present to you the:
Clan Elite Public Humiliation Series!
CURRENT DEFENDING CHAMPION (challenge this person): Bounafizta
I am sure some of you remember sangriento's post called "i SUCK" and now have seen my post called "hello everybody" and are wondering how they came to be. Well, this is how.
Both of those threads were due to lost bets. A bet was made saying that the winner of a first to 3 match would get to write a message the loser would have to post on this forum. This was the basis for this series, which will go on indefinitely.
Basically, a challenger challenges the defending champion to a first to 3 match of a mode of the challenger's choice. Loser has to post a message of the winner's choice on the clan elite forum.
Whoever won the last match of the series can be challenge by anybody at any time. The winner will PM the loser the message, which the loser will have to post in the clan elite forum. If the loser does not post the exact message given within 24 hours, they will be restricted from the series in the future.
If somebody from outside the clan challenges the previous winner, special rules apply. If they lose they still of course have to post whatever the winner says, but if they do not have another match in the next 24 hours they do not have to defend themselves in the future if they win. (they cannot be challenged) If an out-of-clanner wins and does not play again within 24 hours, blaknwyte and I will continue the series with a first to 3 match to keep things going, and then the winner of that match can obviously be challenged.
1. No bitching about losing, this is meant to be a fun thing. If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably shouldn't do it.
2. Post whatever the winner says word for word, no altering it at all.
3. Do not talk about the bet in the post.
4. Do not flame people who make fun of you in the thread if you lose, just play along. It's all in fun.
5. Only the winner of the last match can be challenged.
6. If an out of clanner wins and does not have another match within 24 hours, blaknwyte and I will continue with the next match.
7. The winner of the last match, assuming they are in clan elite, cannot refuse a challenge.
8. The winner is challenged, the winner cannot challenge others.
9. The loser decides the mode. Only sambo/classic modes are acceptable. (aikido, wushu, judo, etc...)
10. If you win, don't hold back. You are allowed to be mean. HAVE FUN WITH IT!
Hidingwarior defeated Sangriento, and made him post the "i SUCK" thread.
BlakNWyte defeated Hidingwarior, and made him post the "Hello everybody!" thread.
BlakNWyte defeated Hidingwarior and made him post the "Q & A With HidingWhoreior" thread.
Well guys, let's get to work! As long as the winners are available for matches and are not busy, there is no limit to how many matches there can be in a day, although don't play a single person more than twice throughout one day.
Last edited by hidingwarior; Nov 26, 2008 at 03:57 AM.