Lol saw you guys talking about want some real music?

R3al music

But really though how is Vibe doing?
Wonderful song pudge beer,!I don't often listen to parodies, they're usually pretty shit.

I, personally, have a load of assessment that's due very soon and I'll be getting that done tonight. I dot get stuff done until last minute, it's the only time I'm motivated enough to do anything. It's not the best work ethic but I'm passing, at least it's better than not trying and completely failing!

On the topic of that, how is everyone else in terms of work ethic and getting stuff done, on time?
Originally Posted by Pidgenere View Post
Lol saw you guys talking about want some real music?

R3al music

But really though how is Vibe doing?

Pidge pls, get on my level

And we're doing good, thanks for asking, how's Sinon ?

In terms of doing stuff I'm doing too much stuff.
I'm getting my swimming monitor degree in october.
I'm starting a sports degree on october too.
I've leveled up in my swimming class, now I go with the big boys B)
I'm giving swimming lessons to kids (sometimes pretty frustrating D: )
And the next year I'm going to start my cooking degree, but first I need a job ;-;

How is everyone else doing ?
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