At the start of the year I get excited and motivated, and try to finish all of my homework asap when I get home. As the year progresses I slowly start to do my homework later and later until I'm doing it when I wake up practically. Then the cycle starts over next year.
Originally Posted by BlakNWyte View Post
At the start of the year I get excited and motivated, and try to finish all of my homework asap when I get home. As the year progresses I slowly start to do my homework later and later until I'm doing it when I wake up practically. Then the cycle starts over next year.

Exactly the same.Although,i don't do it when i wake up.I might do it when i get to school or something,but i cant always do that. =|
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the way i do it is when i get home (about 3:30) i usually wait until 5:00 to start just because i need some time to unwind. occasionally if i have a small assignment i may do it in homeroom but i usually do it the day before.
6th grade,and i don't do mine homeworks at all,fuck em !
Or if it is math i do em in the class bcause the teacher gives 3's to the ones who don't do their homeworks...
Centuries Of Damn
I'll be a Junior in high school this upcoming school year, and I procrastinate a lot too. I usually end up staying up late trying to get everything done. I don't try to.. it just happens. However, I do manage to get it all done.
R.I.P. Billy Mays
Originally Posted by KiTFoX View Post
Online school. So no. I don't have homework.


Online School? Never heard of kinds of school like that.


I sometimes do my homework, sometimes I don't, sometimes I copy. It really matters on my subject and mood.
Ye i always did my homework when i had lots of time bout now these days i wate till the last mintue to finish it. I have homework now that i should be doing LOL