Christmas Lottery
Oh, okay. diabllo purchased that head from MATRIXDUDE, and since MATRIXDUDE apparently has no idea how textures work, he just sent the spinny to diabllo.


MATRIXDUDE: Get the flat image from your brother. Send that to diabllo. The Flatten Image function in GIMP has absolutely nothing to do with sphere mapping. Don't make things up.

XDumbAssX: You can stop posting now. You're not contributing in any manner anymore.

"i wish i could do that ken watanabe face where his eyes are really wide" -siku 2015
if you love america please sign this petition
i think those heads could have been sold to him or his brother and they are just reselling siku.
as yo ucan see its from 08
his shop is full of heads that arent made by him...........

diabllo: pm skulfuk about the money you've lost
siku he dident make them/plaigirism hes selling them for someone! thats why he didient no wat to do with it i did it me im his bro he got mad at me he thought i did make them i am the one not him
Last edited by texturemaker; Jun 16, 2009 at 05:49 PM.
every texture maker should make an alt that takes all the blame when they get caught from plagiarism