During teacher appreciation week in culinary school, me and my friends decided to make a meal for my teacher, to "appreciate" her.
She said she was severely allergic to a certain food dye called Red 40. It's never used in culinary school, but i sautéed a red pepper in butter and Red 40. Then i used the pepper in a little bowl of asian fried rice with teriyaki chicken (her favourite). When she ate it, the got rashes on her skin and started coughing a bunch. She had to take a shot in her ass and everybody was cracking up, because she did it in front of everybody. I didn't even get in trouble for it or anything. (Not that i would, though.) :P
Ah, so classic.
I also started a food fight in high school once, but that's not much of a prank.
Last edited by Chip; Jun 20, 2009 at 08:23 PM.