Christmas Lottery
What? u cant blame me for u quitting the clan?:O
All i did was asking u who made that awesome texture set..
Originally Posted by Aidan
i'm getting a cool texture set and you want me to send it to you?

i didn't even know you were getting a new fucking texture set ffs!
OK this thread stops here.
iamrubbish dont beg. Just dont do that.
Aidan i think you have blown up this abit.
BUT, the point of birthday presents is that you dont know what you get.
So Aidan you could send him a thing and iamrubbish would be happy.
Anyway, please make up.
Aidan you could've come to me sooner..
Same goes for rubbish.


read the screenies, seems like a BIG MISUNDERSTANDING to me.
Fr3styL . Improving by Improvising
I'm an artist.
i say u hav a fight in real life 2 sort it out. tht usually works.

i think ur both being tits
Fr3styL It's a way of life