Christmas Lottery
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[Promo-Team] Create an Event Competiton
Promo-team's Create an Event Competiton

The winner of this competition will have their competition dream realized, and then help to judge it, all under the funding and guidance of the Promo-TeamŽ.

The rules are simple, this must be a creative, original competition.
This competition must be Toribash related.
This can be any be ANY kind of competiton.
The deadline is two weeks from today.

PRIZES: 1st: 30k
2nd 15k
And of course, the chance to host this competiton.
Good luck!
Last edited by evets; Jul 16, 2009 at 05:22 PM.
the fly with me uke comp
for this comp tori(the competitor)has to grab uke and jump as high as he can and still hold on to uke.
  1. the mod is standard
  2. norm game rules BUT YOU CAN HAVE UP TO 15000 FRAMES
  4. you can move uke's joints
  5. no editing replays
  1. marks rewarded for
  2. how high you can fly
  3. stlye
  4. time airborn
  5. not much dmg to you or uke.

Split up competition

Show us your biggest failure in a single player replay.

points are awarded for:
.style of losing
.breaking off bits of your own body
.looking like you are actually trying to hurt uke
.when hitting uke,breaking off bits of your own body

mods: classic/default
Last edited by athrax; Jul 14, 2009 at 08:58 AM.

The Toribash Item Icon Contest.

. Create new custom Item Icon "Templates" for the colored items in Tori shop.

. You must create one template for each of the items that can be colored (13 in all I belive).

. Show examples of how the templates looks when filled in.

. Compile all templates & the font used, then compress them.

. Add a link to your compressed templates (.zip or .rar only)

. Image Size: 64x64


These templates will be used in Torishop to replace the old icons as well as fixing the ones that are now missing.

We want this to be very easy for the promo team each time a new color is released.

Must have a template for each item type above:
Example of a new Item icon ( not a template):

Last edited by 40till5; Jul 13, 2009 at 11:42 AM.
  • Toribash all rounder quest!
    Entrants must complete each of the challenges to enter
    1. Game Fight 10 matches in the designated server. You are judged on your number of wins on the server.
    2. Art Create a head texture of the specified theme. You are judged on the ingame look of the head texture.
    3. Community Submit an idea to improve the toribash forums or the game. You are judged on how cool or viable the idea is.
      Each category will be judged from 0-10.

  • Battle for world domination!
    Entrants will choose a side to fight for, the east or the west, and will gain points any time they beat someone from the other side in battle. Each participant will be asked to use the tag [East] or [West] infront of their clan tag.
    The side with the most players wins!

    Entrants will pay 100tc to enter the comp (which will run over a month) and give them access to special servers, and at the end of the comp the tc will be shared among the winning team, with bonus tc being sent to the 3 player with the most victories from each side.

  • Battle for world domination! (art comp)
    Basically the same as one above, but we use images to depict our victory. (kinda like the recent TAT ninja comp)

  • Portrait of Steveirwin
    Steve will post a video or replay of him owning uke or a player, everyone will then be asked to create an image of their favorite punch, kick, head butt or throw. Any kind of image is allowed, and you can add whatever dramatic effect you want (eg lazors shooting out of steves eyes, or covering him in flames, or just adding a helluva lot of blood!).
Last edited by Gorman; Jul 13, 2009 at 01:15 PM.
When I see you, my heart goes DOKI⑨DOKI
Fish: "Gorman has been chosen for admin. After a lengthy discussion we've all decided that Gorman is the best choice for the next admin."
1 Hit Most Points No DM's

  • Classic Mod
  • SinglePlayer
  • Hit Uke Once
  • Do Not Dismember Any Of Tori Or Uke's Joints
  • Winner Is The Person With The Most Points
  • Requires Control And Skill; Hit Uke Too Hard And You Will DM A Limb, Too Soft And You Won't Get Enough Points
Last edited by Thanatos12; Jul 13, 2009 at 05:09 PM.
I think you guys should have more events less prize money(of course you will have to if there is more events) and more specific events e.g. instead of best multi player decap have best multi player punch decap in wushu.

AND I HAVE AN IDEA FOR AN EVENT: try and decap uke when you are limited to a certain amount of joints that you are able to use e.g. only allowed to use 1 of your shoulders 1 of your hips and 1 of your knees and grabby hands.
Head toss competition
basically a competiton where the object of the game
Is to take off your own head
And try to kill the other tori in anyway WITH the head.
And heres the catch.
You have to keep all body parts off the floor
Besides the head.
You can do a head hand stand.
Basically try to stay in the air while beating the other player with your head.
best assassination

the game is to kill uke in the most silent way without going infront of him

the quicker the better
Ryan: You cant beat Snoop Dog StellarNinja: I have a song with an electric bagpipe solo Ryan: ... FUCKING PLAY IT
See quote.
Originally Posted by steveirwin View Post
The rules are simple, this must be a creative, original competition.
This competition must be Toribash related.
This can be any be ANY kind of competiton.
The deadline is two weeks from today.