I understand if you get tired of all the "It's not a big deal"-talk. I got tired of everyone that's had braces walked around and said it wasn't that bad. But they were right, honestly. I put them on only 1,5 months ago, and I'm already completely used to them. Three weeks ago, when I was tightening the braces, I think it felt odd, not having the string there to fasten the teeth. You should be happy if you get the braces in the middle of your growth period, because they will work faster. For me, they might even not work, because I'm quite grown out already. There's a 35% chance I might need jaw surgery, and only soup for two weeks. Now, you should be happy that's not your case.
As said, I put on the braces 1,5 months ago. I only have them in my upper jaw yet, and putting them on in my lower jaw in a month-ish. I will also have some sort of locking units to push my jaw forward. This is to wrestle a too active muscle out enough to let my jaw grow. Right now, I have such a deep bite my upper teeth covers my lower teeth completely, and I bite my gums. When the muscle (Located between the lower lip and the cheek) has thrown in the towel, my jaw will grow very rapidly. So I guess it all makes sense.
Don't worry about the braces at all. It seems that nearly half of the population around here has them anyway, and I dobt if there are so many less where you live. I have one tip, however. And that is to not say "Oh, I'm getting braces, how awful" and the likes of that. If you do so, people are likely to pick on you, because they know you don't like it. Just say something like "Fair enough. It's for my health" or "I'll get pretty teeth, at least". This isn't too theatrical, yet it helps you a lot, trust me.
It only hurts between the second and the fourth day. The first day, you won't notice any pain, but over the night, after a long period with no chewing or dental activity, you'll feel that your teeth feels loose. After that, it's just nothing, really. It hurts a bit the day you tighten them as well, but that's nothing to the result. Good luck, mate!