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been there, had the teeth pulled. It was fine for me, and braces aren't actually that bad, whatever people say. sure, they hurt for mabye 3 days after, but after that, they're fine!
hope this reassures you.
Eh, I've had braces for a year and a half. Honestly, it's all a lot of fuss over nothing. After the first month, it actually feels weird when you get them taken out to be tightened. You get used to it very quickly, it feels like they're meant to be there. The first month isn't too bad, though. The thing that is the worst (IMO) is when you smile, your lips get stuck under the braces. I don't mean snagged, just... they stick. It's irritating, your lips kinda get bigger around the braces, but it's nothing noticeable.

As for the extractions, I had to have 3 teeth taken out prior to my braces. I can't tell you how bad it will be because I don't know how you're having them removed. Are you going to an oral surgeon, or is your dentist extracting them?
I got used to braces after a few weeks. However the first few days were the worst, while I was adjusting. I had to have spacers, which, as their name suggests, creates space between your back molars for the metal loop they put in.

Well, it sure isn't as bad as it used to be. My mom said her braces were maybe 2-3 times larger and they had to file her teeth down (instead of removing them I guess)

I got ceramic, clear braces though, and they were slightly larger too. My canines would hit them due to my slight overbite. If your mouth shape is normal, you'd be fine.

Getting the teeth out would scare me too. My father got a molar pulled the past year, and it was sore for him for quite some time. And you said you were getting three.... Ouch!

Good luck with that!
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Originally Posted by DarkJak View Post
I got used to braces after a few weeks. However the first few days were the worst, while I was adjusting. I had to have spacers, which, as their name suggests, creates space between your back molars for the metal loop they put in.

Well, it sure isn't as bad as it used to be. My mom said her braces were maybe 2-3 times larger and they had to file her teeth down (instead of removing them I guess)

I got ceramic, clear braces though, and they were slightly larger too. My canines would hit them due to my slight overbite. If your mouth shape is normal, you'd be fine.

Getting the teeth out would scare me too. My father got a molar pulled the past year, and it was sore for him for quite some time. And you said you were getting three.... Ouch!

Good luck with that!

The spacers completely sucked. 2 months till i get my braces off. The only thing that sucks is that I have to use whale bands, which are VERY thick yet have a tiny hole.
the last time i went to the dentist, he gave me a shot inside my mouth, and he must have done it wrong, because i could feel everything, kind of sucked :|


Hahaha, I didn't need any teeth extracted. Unless my wisdom teeth randomly come in over the next two years. Then aaagh.

Originally Posted by iamrubbish View Post
Yeah, i have to wear braces because i was born with crooked teeth and a very deep overbite. I'm still on the first thing (retainer i think) and the problem is, i have to take it out to eat even though i''m not meant to, because i can't bite all the way down with it in. D:
Luckily i don't think i have to have any teeth taken out, and i hope i never do.

My dentist emphasized that eating once without the retainer on could set you back months... I never did, it is possible to eat (though very hard). Now they're gone, luckily. I hated them, they taste bad D:
Last edited by FoodEater; Jul 30, 2009 at 04:51 AM.
I understand if you get tired of all the "It's not a big deal"-talk. I got tired of everyone that's had braces walked around and said it wasn't that bad. But they were right, honestly. I put them on only 1,5 months ago, and I'm already completely used to them. Three weeks ago, when I was tightening the braces, I think it felt odd, not having the string there to fasten the teeth. You should be happy if you get the braces in the middle of your growth period, because they will work faster. For me, they might even not work, because I'm quite grown out already. There's a 35% chance I might need jaw surgery, and only soup for two weeks. Now, you should be happy that's not your case.

As said, I put on the braces 1,5 months ago. I only have them in my upper jaw yet, and putting them on in my lower jaw in a month-ish. I will also have some sort of locking units to push my jaw forward. This is to wrestle a too active muscle out enough to let my jaw grow. Right now, I have such a deep bite my upper teeth covers my lower teeth completely, and I bite my gums. When the muscle (Located between the lower lip and the cheek) has thrown in the towel, my jaw will grow very rapidly. So I guess it all makes sense.

Don't worry about the braces at all. It seems that nearly half of the population around here has them anyway, and I dobt if there are so many less where you live. I have one tip, however. And that is to not say "Oh, I'm getting braces, how awful" and the likes of that. If you do so, people are likely to pick on you, because they know you don't like it. Just say something like "Fair enough. It's for my health" or "I'll get pretty teeth, at least". This isn't too theatrical, yet it helps you a lot, trust me.

It only hurts between the second and the fourth day. The first day, you won't notice any pain, but over the night, after a long period with no chewing or dental activity, you'll feel that your teeth feels loose. After that, it's just nothing, really. It hurts a bit the day you tighten them as well, but that's nothing to the result. Good luck, mate!
Oh, one more thing. Brushing for 5 minutes twice a day is going to suck ten thousand meaty cocks, but you better fucking do it. Trust me, I'm starting to get de-calcification because I was lazy with brushing, I'm going to have small white rings on my teeth by the gumline until the day I die.
I hardly felt the needle go into my gum. Its better becuase you don't actually see the needle pierce your skin like in a doctors office. INstead, you are stairing at the cielling wondering when it will stop. Next thing you know, teh intire side of your face is numb and you start poking yourself to see what it feels like.


The doctor takes his plyers and yanks the tooth out real quick. Then you bleed alot but he puts some absorbant in your mouth to soke it up.

As for braces; I had them for a year and a half when I was 14. Here's the deal, they hurt for 2 weeks after the first visit. Then, they hurt for a week after all other visits. I went in 6 week intervals.


Foods like Caramel and Milk Duds are a no no.


After 3-4 days of not brushing your teeth, they will begin to hurt.

CAUTION: While furiously kissing a girl, you may cause damage to her lips. Such as cuts or puncture wounds.

That is all. Good luck.

P.S. Clear colored braces tend to stain easily. I suggest picking your favorite color and staying consistant with it.
Last edited by IceShadow; Jul 30, 2009 at 06:09 AM.

Originally Posted by ToXiKz View Post
Ok the hate of needles here just made me feel extremely tough. It's normal to get 2 teeth taken out when getting braces, to free up space in your mouth. Luckily I have an incredible pain threshold(went to a damn russian dentist, who didn't bother to fully numb my teeth). Its a normal process, don't be so scared of it. Just grab the arm-pieces of the chair, look straight up, and imagine your in your happy place just as a puma swings at your mouth with its claws. Believe it or not, its painless.

I recently had to get toe surgery, and I was awake during the whole thing. I had an ingrown nail and the doctor numbed my toe with about 14 needles, from whatever angles possible to numb the nerves.

Remember, needles aren't what cause pain, doctors are. Be afraid of doctors, not needles.

P.S. I'm a type 1 diabetic and have to normally shoot myself up 3-4 times a day with insulin. Luckily I got a pump.

Oh god I fucking hate those. I get one every month or so but I remove them myself.

Also, if the needle is meant to numb you, the needle shouldn't hurt at all. I remember when I was a getting milk tooth removed when I was like 8 because it was blocking the way of my permanent tooth, I barely felt the anesthetic needle at all. When the dentist happily pulled away the tooth, still nothing. Not so sure about permanent teeth though.

Luckily for me, my dentist says I won't be needing braces or anything like that.
Last edited by DeeJayy741; Jul 30, 2009 at 06:48 AM.