These remind me a lot of my first dm's. I know you're WAY stoked about them. I was about mine. But posting them on here and beng SUPER confident about them is a mistake. Like saying, "Oh,and also,chech this perfect head punch", when it's clearly a grab. Otherwise, his head would not have come off. And you took damage. "Perfect" is not the right word, lol. And I know I'm being harsh. I'm usually not. Sorry. But really, I'm glad you're enthusiastic about it. You've got pretty good control. Just keep at it and keep posting replays. I'll watch them

P.S. Relax is your BEST FRIEND!
Yeah whay he said ^

And also you joined in November 2008, how can you still be of this kind of skill?
[19:39] <Birdflu> I'm just sad that I can't give myself one
[19:39] <Birdflu> I'd have a great time
Lay off his join date guys, have you at least considered that he might have created the account back then and then never came back until now? It shouldn't seem that strange, it happens all the time.

As for the replays, I would suggest maybe play some MP against some players of equal or better skill and learn from what they do.