I have 3 square meals a day. The odd thing about my diet is like, I eat 1kg of fruit a day (not part of the 3 meals). I love fruit. I'm pretty healthy, I never get sick, and I'm not fat. I burn heaps of energy in a day, about 50% more than kids my age.
breakfast = taylor ham sandwich (either taylor ham+eggs+cheese or taylor ham + cheese)
Lunch, eh.. not really.
Dinner.. I try to get my mom to cook something before my father gets home at 6. Eating late isn't good really. Even if i stay up all night, all I'm doing is sitting there.
I run every once in a while. Can usually get around 1 1/2 miles before i start huffing pretty hard. I guess that's better than most Americans.
I eat obscene amounts of food, usually eat a pack of waffles (10 waffles) for breakfast, about 8 giant sandwiches (that's 16 slices of brown bread with stuff like meat and cheese) for lunch and for dinner I eat about 3 plates of rice with meat and vegetables on the side, and in between those meals usually some snacks etc but no stuff like cookies, it's usually fastfood
Surprisingly, I'm not fat at all.