I'd like to think that my extensive experience with the internet and the numerous mental scars it's given me will make me much more qualified for dealing with protection against the hoogey-boogey that isn't particularly healthy for kids to look at. More than my parents, anyways.
Hm. Good question. I think the internet has helped me mature, find things I like easier, and opened up lots and lots of information for me to use, as opposed to books. As a whole, I'd say it has improved me lots n' stuff.. So I think I would have an 'open-internet policy'.. Probably blocking out the more.. explicit stuff for a while.. but eventually undoing that I guess.
Well, you may call me a horrid father, but I would allow my child endless times on the internet, due to the endless waves of information it throws at you. Hell, even if the kid watches porn, it will do em good, by teaching him what the hell sex is.

But no addictions to anything.
Originally Posted by Odlov View Post
"Daddy, why doesn't this lady poop in the toilet instead?"

"Because son, when a woman and another woman are paid enough money they will poop into a cup and lick it. Daddy used to have this bookmarked when he was your age."
Yeah, i'd let them on the internet as much as they like, since it's an increasingly important part of our lives. But i'd also saturate them with other, more "active" things to do. The last thing i'd want is kids who put their virtual lives before their real ones.
I agree with H4rl3quin, I believe the internet is good for some purpaces, but there are some sides of it that is negative, but I have always been able to avoid stupid links from idiot friends and stuff like that. Just don't click at links that your friends give you and or atleast google them first.

Well you may get involved in some bad communities, but if you don't have the strenght to develope your own meaning and sense its no hope for you anyways.

I have teached alot of things from the internet, like better grammar (I still suck) and information about things, but its important to develope a real life aswell. So if my future son is sitting much at the computer i would be ok with it, but once he chooses the virtual world in front of the real world i will be putting my foot down, exactly like my father did to me.
Originally Posted by Ezeth View Post
I agree with H4rl3quin, I believe the internet is good for some purpaces, but there are some sides of it that is negative, but I have always been able to avoid stupid links from idiot friends and stuff like that. Just don't click at links that your friends give you and or atleast google them first.

Well you may get involved in some bad communities, but if you don't have the strenght to develope your own meaning and sense its no hope for you anyways.

I have teached alot of things from the internet, like better grammar (I still suck) and information about things, but its important to develope a real life aswell. So if my future son is sitting much at the computer i would be ok with it, but once he chooses the virtual world in front of the real world i will be putting my foot down, exactly like my father did to me.

I kinda agree whit Ezeth,and yep,i would allow mine child at the net as much as he wants,well..till he's 13..because then he will learn to delete history and shit...

Centuries Of Damn
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[2nd Dan]-[Sigma]
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