Personally, I like the online play of Gears 1 more than Gears 2. I find Horde boring after about 20 waves and in Wingman, if you're not a pro, you're not gonna get kills.

Other than that, the general game is awesome. The new execution moves are complete win.
Bounafizta says:
My love for u has gotten me detention like 4 times lol
Originally Posted by coloo View Post
I do like halo, but in halo 3 the gameplay was starting to lessen in quality unless you were in multiplayer, if it wasnt for the story i wouldnt have bothered finishing it, im not a hardcore gamer, i just dont like lego guns and having to QTE just to get a good reload, it is also incredibly short and if you want a game with guns that reload normally and dont feel like they were manufactured by Metel, the barbie doll company, i suggest you play some call of duty or far cry 2.

Do you fucking know ANYTHING?

The Barbie doll company is Mattel.

Far Cry 2 sucks.
Everybody has their own opinions, i guess. We can't change that.
Yeah, i'm the Boxman
<~ishi> damnit ishi where are you.