Original Post
Toribash wii cover
This event will last until. October 20, 2009

What you do
you make what you think is
a good toribash wii cover and
post it here.

The rules
-Do NOT steal a cover and change it a little.
-Do NOT post over five covers.
-You MAY post over 1 cover
-You MAY use whatever program you like.
-If I like someones elses better than yours or for some reson your are kicked or somthing from the event. Dont go, "OMG M1N3 15 TH3 B35T THAT5 N0T F41R"

The prizes
there is only a first place prize of 1k
I would not think of this as a tc earning comp its more of a for fun thing

People in the finals
more to come
Last edited by DarkKira; Oct 25, 2009 at 06:40 AM.
Meh Death Note gon stab yo white ass.
Rutz: now imagine this image has something related to islam... Bang, entire world starts to know toribash because it was officially banned by some countries like Turkey. lololo-

Dbuhos entry looks best, matthieu's looks more wii-ish. That's my opinion, nice entries, guys ;p

[re] | #Polska
qui hic minxerit aut cacaverit, habeat deos superos et inferos iratos