Your religion lacks fear and or reward.

1. A woodchuck would chuck what ever a woodchuck could chuck.
2. lying, so I told him to go start a religion or a pyramid scheme.
3. I'd ask the guard "which way would the other guard say leads to paradise" and I'd take the opposite door. Or the above.

Although if you think about it I'd just turn around n go home as why would paradise be guarded if it was truly paradise?

@BF: Learn some fucking gramma. lol I mean....
Regardless of what ever, theorectically you can never reach a distance of zero as they'd have to occupy the same space and unless your a genetics expert with a generape lazer your not gonna be making any tortoise rabbit mutants anytime soon.

unless.... ew the rabbits anus....
hey you reached ub3r.

You know you don't just have to ask riddles... I haven't had any philosophical questions yet? or any How to's
Last edited by KungFuJC; Oct 7, 2009 at 09:58 PM.
[GATA Elite #2][PigeonHive]Ldr's
In Lewis Carroll's book "The Hunting of the Snark", (before Douglas Adams' tome was written) the baker left 42 pieces of luggage on the pier.
42 is also a sphenic number, a Catalan number and is bracketed by twin primes.

42 is the number you get when you add up all the numbers on two six-sided dice. This is showing that life, the universe, and everything is nothing but a big game of craps.
This sig lacks creativity.

True Story.