They're acctualy NOT lifeless,they just spend time making their replays,taking about ten-thirty minutes.

Edit:I'm not really liking the replay,but the decap was ok.

Last edited by CharredLightning; Oct 18, 2009 at 01:18 AM.
I like it, good job. It couldn't of been hands because you hit his pecs too.
Nice come back.

Also, try playing different mods instead of instagib ones. It's a lot more fun when you can actually do something, and be proud of it.
Originally Posted by Horrid View Post
It wasn't instagibhands and I think I was lucky after all.

uhm... not instagib? are you.... retarded?! edit the replay and u will find out it is infact instagib! *trolling *
Robert A. Heinlein: "Secrecy is the beginning of tyranny."
Indeed it is not instagibhands, but the main point is, you shouldn't really be playing instagibfeet anyways.

Also, it was luck. With any other normal move, you would've been fucked. Especially with instagibfeet on. Sure, you are not responsible for what your opponent does, but it doesn't stop it from being luck.