Hmm actually the clients below 3.8 cant download textures since the texturing system was changed after 3.73. So basically you need at least 3.8 to see textures.

Vox sucks
[10:14]<siku> magnificent sparkling vampire
[10:14]<siku> i love you edward

Official minibash tester. Please email [email protected] if you have found a bug!

<shrugs> Then why do I see custom heads, arms, legs, floors and all the other stuff now?

Actually what I think it is, is the client was not made to download the textures. It can view them fine. If you check the stderr the line that pop saying:
parse_cmd no op found
are operations that client is having trouble with. I just strip the http lines from it and manually download using the command line and copy them myself.
Though I know nothing of the flames, those are probably graphical, so would need a new client for them.
Last edited by Gulain; Jan 11, 2010 at 12:03 AM.
In 3.5 the multyplayer listing lists the ips and ports at the bottom for the highlighted room. You can also type /list after logging in, to list the servers.

Any particular reason you are using 3.1? The latest linux version is 3.5 or 3.8* for Microsoft or Mac .
Last edited by Gulain; Jan 19, 2010 at 01:46 AM.
Addendum to my post regarding the texture downloads:
Been working on making it work a bit better.
So far I have it working.
It uses some external programs and scripts that may not be installed on your system. Being unbuffer script from the expect package, awk, curl, and tee.

First run toribash from inside it folder and log the stderr
./toribash 2>&1 | tee stderr.log
Then run this mess in a separate terminal to actually download the textures as the player starts the round. Also inside the toribash folder
./unbuffer tail -f stderr.log |  sed -un 's/.*http/http/p' | grep --line-buffered -v "'" | awk '{ system("curl -s --create-dirs " $1 " -o " $2) }'
It takes the stderr log and strips out what need then feeds it to curl to download.
The hard part I had was learning something about default buffering.
Note: the textures will not show up the first time you see a person, most of the time.

Ideally I would want to make a script for everyone, a lua script would be nice if it could work in multiplayer, and do downloads. I also see how to reduce the downloads by using the md5 hash that is sent with the texture line. Just save the hash with reference to the file it associated with, then compare and download when it changes. like head.tga and head.md5, hash stored in head.md5.
Last edited by Gulain; Feb 4, 2010 at 11:29 PM.
Texture downloading for 3.5. Will cache the md5 and compare, so will only will download if textures change.
./toribash 2>&1 |  sed -un 's/.*http/http/p' | grep --line-buffered -v "'" | awk '{ system("if [ -e " $2".md5 ] ; then if [ $(cat " $2".md5) != " $3 " ] ; then curl --create-dirs " $1 " -o " $2 " ; echo " $3 " > " $2".md5 ; fi ; else curl --create-dirs " $1 " -o " $2 " ; echo " $3 " > " $2".md5 ; fi") }'
a bash script version, run it in the toribash folder
Last edited by Gulain; Feb 12, 2010 at 07:35 PM.
Links are down, could You update the links please?

I have no luck trying to run Windows version with Wine so that's why I was searching for a fix for multiplayer but sadly the only one I found(this one) has no working links.
This won't work anyway as servers have been renewed again since 2009.

A new Linux version is planned once Toribash is published at Steam. As for now, you can only play using Wine.