Style: robot
Colours: green, vampire, gray
Mouth style: no mouth
eye Style: the eyes like your 3rd head(the 7k one)
Named? (extra 500tc):nah
Any Extra's:if you can make robotic hands that says DP on the top.
i will pay you 3.8k
In The Mist
Head for 8,5k

Style: Robotish
Colours: Quicksilver, Pharos
Mouth/eye Style: Eyes, just a black visor. No mouth.
Shaded?: Yes please.
Named? (extra 500tc): Nope.
Any Extra's: Would be cool if it would be bit more organic and non symetrical if this is possible
Style: Robot
Colours: Black , Blue , Dark Red
Mouth/eye Style: cyborg
Shaded?: sure
Named? (extra 500tc): no
Any Extra's: hmm sparks coming from eyes and mouth eyes looking like they are shutting down
is it alright if i pay you in bits?

Alrighty Guys These Orders Will Be Fine. Ill have the heads done in 1-3 days.
@Nuramon : Explain Organic
@Man : you may pay in Bits But you will have to pay the full price.
Originally Posted by Dirtnapp View Post
@Nuramon : Explain Organic

Sorry, with organic I meant like strange forms 'n' stuff. Fluid and some kind of random lines. I actually dunno why I wrote organic, lol.
i want an avy

Style: Tribalic/robotic
Colours: pure/Quicksilver/void
your tori?: No
Extras: make it nice =)

btw how much will it be?