Good news faggots:

With a happy donation of 500k from Leyz and the rounding up 30k from me our clan bank HAS FINALLY REACHED:

I think we are epic, Leyz in particular.
Now, we need a way to distribute all the cash and make our e-balls grow to uncountable proportions. So get creative and start to think.
Originally Posted by leilak View Post
Good news faggots:

With a happy donation of 500k from Leyz and the rounding up 30k from me our clan bank HAS FINALLY REACHED:

I think we are epic, Leyz in particular.
Now, we need a way to distribute all the cash and make our e-balls grow to uncountable proportions. So get creative and start to think.

Cool so Urbank is slowly but surely becoming more precious than Fort Knox.
Although mean villians like Rafufu have tried to rob it already - and succeeded