Secret Santa 2024
Yes, or just the glute + another joint for 632k, but you already got the record, so I'd wait to see if it's necessary ;)
Thanks for the Avatar, MrAakash
Jezzus DeeJay u Have atleast every record and i bet u made up a few records jus to make urslef fell better xD jk Bu tstill HTf u du this stuff!!!
thats 10+ kicks, because you contracted and extended your leg multiple times, causing mutiple hits.
[12:00] <fudgiebalz> toribash SUCKS
Check my ~~~Dank Replays~~~
and its only flawless if tori's body part is only in contact with the joint and body part that is being dmed isnt it?
Mei fati dominus, mei animi dux
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Unofficial Skimmer of Discussion!

Fabula Magnus wants more able RPers!
Cataclysm is still alive?


Wiggi must love me forever now.