Original Post
Kai's Noob Giveaway

all items have been given away sorry

List Of People Who Donated
Hyperviper (2) Bronze Relax
Shogan (1) Aqua Torso
Nellis (1) Bronze Relax
Killer9564 (1) Gladiators blood
Tonakai (2) Marine blood, Chronos force
DiaXan0 (1) Marine Torso

Thanx to those who donated
Last edited by RiseAgainst; Oct 22, 2007 at 05:23 AM.
Hmm could i have orc relax please? I've been playing about 5 weeks, and would really appreciate it since i suck at making heads and designing joints and blood, so i could never get enough money off the market -_-
I will donate my Bronze Relax. COMIN AT YA
signature. your into this paste and copy backwards, this read to enough dumb were you if
wow lucky for u all to get that stuff and be regged im not regged so i cant use bloods wish i could use all those bloods and joints but im stuck with silver
and default head...ahhh well im gonna try and win a reg key in one of the events on fourms or the sunday event.
Originally Posted by Sepulcher View Post
God i almost sufficated after i gagged on the water i was drinking right when i saw this

MDP/Switch/Evan says (9:57 PM):
well, your "File" turned out to be a cuple of pics with a cock.
WindWakers Leader Gamers Signature On.Toribash
desertpunk even if u were a noob its a maximum of 2 per noob.
and no joints for u

on another note dw gamer lots of other ppl feel ur pain and i am trying to solve this by buying a reg key and holding a tournament in demo judo

good luck
hai lolz I liek the one that's good k I paly for 3 years
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