Re: Crack Yourself in Half (VERY ENTERTAINING) + Perfect Landing PLUS NEW MOVE!!
ty, pieman! Heres a pie instead of an applaud!
Re: Crack Yourself in Half (VERY ENTERTAINING) + Perfect Landing PLUS NEW MOVE!!
Thanks all!
<PlayerID666> samule is the coolest guy around
Re: Crack Yourself in Half (VERY ENTERTAINING) + Perfect Landing PLUS NEW MO
That's great! I carried on and ended up looking like ultimate_range.
Attached Files
3v!1ultimateselfrip.rpl (61.9 KB, 28 views)
Re: Crack Yourself in Half (VERY ENTERTAINING) + Perfect Landing PLUS NEW MOVE!!
does the second one actually work? because it didint for me also first one is very funny :P
Re: Crack Yourself in Half (VERY ENTERTAINING) + Perfect Landing PLUS NEW MO

I really loved the first one. So majesticly painful... Very good!
Re: Crack Yourself in Half (VERY ENTERTAINING) + Perfect Landing PLUS NEW MO
<PlayerID666> samule is the coolest guy around