This 14 September2007 0700GMT (14 Sept 0300EDT/New York),
the following competition will be held for registered users:
New match format as I am trying to find a reasonably fair play model of not more than 1h30m:-
Winners stay and losers get knocked to the bottom of the bout list, as usual.
It is not a win if your opponent is AFK or disconnected.
Players who give the officials 2 consecutive AFKs will result in a kick and not be allowed to further compete in this competition.
It is the official's discretion whether to allow players back into the competition (eg. Due to disconnection).
4 round event; players who have secured an advancing spot, are to spec and wait.
Number of clients for the server depends on Hampa. Could be 20 or 24 or whatever.
Prior to starting the competition, I will lockdown the server so latecomers need not apply, save for presidential pardon from Hampa.
Scrimmage Round: 2 wins to advance. Fighting for 7 or 8 spots depending on attendance.
Quarter-Round: 3 wins to advance. Fighting for 4 spots
Semi-Round: 3 wins to advance. Fighting for 2 spots
Final-Round: 3 wins to secure the prize!
There is no need to sign up. Just show up and fight!!
Those who over-swear, especially at the officials, risk getting kicked! Please be patient as the server can be rather slow at times and it may seem that the officials aren't doing anything.
The prize for this competition will be a
A ToriBooster*20 allows the winner to get 200 credits per win instead of 10!
Check this post again for further details if any!
Lycka till!!