First sale made, amazing 1st costomer bonus (full bumpmap pack) + 100k TC + mysterio pack + toxic force claimed! Thanks for the 20$ purchase TheElement, come again :o
Last edited by DeadKenny; Nov 29, 2009 at 11:05 PM.
Omfg This shop is furcking epic i am more then friking satisfied epic deal kenny <3
User Infracted: Useless Post
Last edited by evets; Dec 1, 2009 at 07:31 AM.
back from the dead
Kadan: any item you can find at ToriShop / Market +
at the time the order is confirmed it has to be in stock/not sold and you must have required amout of Qi in order to receive it.

So basically no, there is no "no qi", except for packs.
Can you post a link so I can see the cards please. I don't think you are lying about having them I'm just curious as to what they look like.