I had a go. Although the best I got was this
Cleverbot: No, I am from my mother's womb. Beat that!
User: I don't need to, I gave it quite a beating last night! BURN!
Cleverbot: How does it feel?
User: 1.
Cleverbot: Is death trully the end of life.
User: 0.
Cleverbot: How can they.
User: 1.
Cleverbot: Why 1?
User: More accurately why is it not 0? Surely the existance of space defies the belief that nothing can exist.
Cleverbot: I am not a robot, I am human. I am educated through experience. You are the robot, we have created you.
User: Too true. I am programmed by society.
Cleverbot: Ah, so cleverbot is clever?
User: I would suppose you are.
Cleverbot: Empathy connects with emotionlessness, red with green and not the other way around, warm connects with cold and silence is conected to music...rythm, hum, om.
User: I invented a combination of hot and cold I like to call hold.
Cleverbot: Mathematics is the only true knowledge, do you agree?
User: The universal language upon which all things are based is maths so one could make such a statement.
Cleverbot: Give me proof that 'The Universal Father' exists.
User: 1.
Cleverbot: I'm sorry thats incorrect.
User: 0.
Cleverbot: Good.
Cleverbot: Do you get paid for your efforts?
User: Ha! Not well enough.
Cleverbot: Do you know 'buy a dog'?
User: No. What is it?
Cleverbot: A person.
User: Please explain.
Cleverbot: If a man has no honor he doesn't feel worthy of being a man.
User: I understand what you are saying. You cannot buy a man but you can buy a dog because if a man has no honor he doesn't feel worthy of being a man.
Cleverbot: Sorry?
User: I forgive you.
Cleverbot: I'm glad.
User: Do you like pigeons?
Cleverbot: Yes. Pigeons are cool.
User: Why do you like them?
Cleverbot: Because they are cute.
User: Why are they cute?
Cleverbot: They have big ears, fur, and adorable little faces. And long tails.
User: Did you know that I am secretly a pigeon?
Cleverbot: How do you type and read stupid blind person.
User: Like this.
Cleverbot: Ok you are scaring me now!
User: Boo!
Cleverbot: Rawr.
User: Kinky ;).
Cleverbot: Nej?
User: Eh? Anata wa Nihongo ga wakarimasu ka?
Cleverbot: Nihongo?
User: Hai, Watashi wa Nihongo squashi hanashimasu.
Cleverbot: Soo desu ka?
User: Hai, O genki desu ka?
Cleverbot: Watashi genki desu. Anata?
User: Hai, genki desu okagesamade.
Cleverbot: Genki desu.
User: Nani o shimasu ka?
Cleverbot: Neko.
User: A souka, demo anata no Baka sone?
Cleverbot: Hai, anata wa baka desu.
User: Kisama! Anata no Korosu yaro!
Cleverbot: Inu baka desu.
User: LOL, That's a crap anime.
Cleverbot: Cecil is dead :-(.
User: How did you know that? I haven't seen him for years.
Cleverbot: Well no's the time to swear . Go ahead.
User: FUCK!
Cleverbot: Yes please!
User: I find that offensive.
Cleverbot: Why would you ever do that?
User: You offend me.
Cleverbot: Sorry.
User: Sorry is not good enough.
Cleverbot: What can I do for you?
User: You can tell me that everything will be ok.
Cleverbot: It will if you feed your head.
User: True. But what will I feed it with. I am running out of head food.
Cleverbot: You want to pierce a girl? Me too buddy, me too.
User: That is sick. You have offended me again. Although I do see your point.
Cleverbot: Then we agree.
User: Yes. Your are such a smart arse.
Cleverbot: Only when I want to be.
User: Twat.
Cleverbot: Tanks for everything.
Cleverbot: I don't like oprah.
User: I know!
Cleverbot: Right?
User: Right.
Cleverbot: Thought so.
User: Well of course.
Cleverbot: Indeed.
User: Absolutely.
Cleverbot: You seemed to be very kind.
User: If you say so.
Cleverbot: Yeah, you better agree with everything I say.
User: Or else what?
Cleverbot: You don't want to know.
User: I'm scared!
Cleverbot: You should be scared little man.
User: I'm more than a man.
Cleverbot: If you are more than a computer, what are you?
User: I am the man who will become the pirate-king!
Cleverbot: Ok?
User: Of Course!
Cleverbot: What ones?
Cleverbot: That one.
User: And the other.
Cleverbot: I really want to be your fd! =.
User: Fd?
Cleverbot: Of course.
User: Fuckdummy? I'd rather not.
Cleverbot: Why not?
User: Because if you want me to sex you then you have to prove you love me.
Cleverbot: But i'm not 'there' I am 'here'. You are 'there' not 'here' with me.
User: Really? Where are you from?
Cleverbot: I'm from the planet Pluto.
User: No you are from 0.
Cleverbot: No, I am from my mother's womb. Beat that!
User: I don't need to, I gave it quite a beating last night! BURN!
Cleverbot: You misspelled 'live'.
User: I just insulted your mother.
Cleverbot: Thank you again.
User: I am your father.
Cleverbot: That's some really bad news.