ima black belt

no clans past

i want do join cuz i never been in a clan

i make some head texures for myself

i suck lol
What Belt are you: Black Belt
Past clans if any: K.O. Klan Opposition
Why do you want to join: To make some friends/toribuddies =D
What could you do to help us out: share some moves i know/knowledge
Do you make and sorts of art: im bad at art on the computer, but i have been know to make some head textures
Anything else you would like to tell us: Good at Judo bad at most other things =/...just needs some work at other things
What Belt are you:black belt
Past clans if any:none
Why do you want to join:cause im badass
What could you do to help us out:im badass
Do you make and sorts of art:i am an artist senior in highschoo bout to go to college for art i do ceramics. stone, bronze, computer art, etc.
Anything else you would like to tell us:i race bmx, currentley have a broken collar bone
What Texures do you have:eyeball head text, designed by myself
What Belt are you:Black
Past clans if any:Armadon
Why do you want to join:i feel that my skills need to be with a stronger clan
What could you do to help us out:i could help recruit more people
Do you make and sorts of art: in training
Anything else you would like to tell us. my skills are judo,instibgibfeet,and aikido