Soz alpha. Unfortunately I have only 41 tc. So I'd be happy to contribute items.
"Can't see California with Marlon Brando's eyes"


"She isn't real.... Can't make her real"
I really like the colours idea and I'd be happy to give TC if I had any. Especially if you did the tex sets for us coz that's all I need TC for at the moment, ince I don't plan on getting flames or changing my colours (unless it was funded by this Clan Colours idea).
Fr3styL It's a way of life
The problem is, we don't need free loathers.
We need everyone to contribute something.

I'm searching for a balanced system.
Fr3styL . Improving by Improvising
I'm an artist.
Yeah, I know but I don't have a lot of TC or the money to get TC. If you could find me a way to contribute in a non-financial way I'd be happy to help, and I am happy to help. But I think the community and friendship of this clan os more important than the amount of TC we have :/
Fr3styL It's a way of life
I know, and I agree :P

Shiakri I didn't mean to hate. I just pointed out my thoughts.
I didn't say you are a free loather, you are very loyal to us, and you are a good member,
a part from the spammy posts now and then :P

I'm going to take my time to think about a nice way :B
Fr3styL . Improving by Improvising
I'm an artist.
o/ fat.

Donate 10k to the clan bank yo
"Can't see California with Marlon Brando's eyes"


"She isn't real.... Can't make her real"
Tim gonna make a separate bank account for Fr3styL? Or will it just be on you? cause if you make a separate thingo then me and Jaxxx would have access to it and be able to hold events :P