hi i want a emo stile green hair, with a samurai mask red eyes and a yakuza tatoo like in the face if u do body textures also, make a yakuza body set like this: yakuza tatoo droping from the face to the arms, ands with figerles gloves matching samurai mask and on the legs some nice black pants whith and sandals like this ones:
ps: here are some cool images that may help you out and put like an armor like on the
first img of the list over the body but still whith the tatoo's on the arms and the cloth shoing below the armor.
Some things abaut the samurai mask.
pps: posted on both head and body textures.
ppps: put this 2 images on the pants:
i pay more then good(100k at least) and send a preview to see if i like
oh and the emo hair is this one above
Last edited by AvatarZuul; Dec 30, 2009 at 06:36 AM.