There lots of servers. When you get on the game you'll notice the huge amount of servers availables on the game.
Any of them. But I don't feel like playing now :P
Send me a pm with your msn so we talk there bout the game :3
I don't have MSN installed, sorry.

Just PM me on here :3

I didn't go on btw, COD 6 called for me.

[Auction].::Full Demo Set::.
~TheElement Signature WingFlame
Okay, so go on irc tomorrow in like the same hour you installed the game today.
And, someone close this cuz it has no more sense :P
Originally Posted by Sebaa View Post
Okayz, download it here: and make an account so that we can play =]

ugh i'll download it and make it over night download
in the mean while i will wait for night to come
cheers to my review tommorow
Well won't make a thread up again since i think it is against rules. I just bump this.
Anyone does play it or STILL play it? If so tell me your nickname and we can play.
What are your weapons etc.? You have a clan? if not join Enforce Unit: