The drop on the right looks like that because the light parts are mainly on the right, like the flying direction which makes it look pretty "in movement", yeah.
I think I will first stay on the current bolt I have, I may edit the shape later on once I have more experience on pixel art and the likes.
Besides that: The thing with tools was just an example that I am not trusted into art at all. :B
Thanks again, the part with the movement shading (even if you didn't explain me how but it seems easy in general) is very helping.
Be prepared for version 1.4, with reshaded bolt and gun colors.
EDIT: Well, I thought, a drop would look better, so I made one. Including shading.
I hope you like it.
I can't decide which looks better. The red overheating bar or the green one. :v
Last edited by Nobuddie; Jan 3, 2010 at 02:46 PM.