
Noob clap rocks in judo :O Its better way to keep your hands, legs and maybe even head in safe.
Last edited by MrKotik; Jan 3, 2010 at 02:36 AM.
Noob claps in judo are horrible,
They work well but dont allow for any progress in actualli learning the game, they can be countered usually by a more complex clap
they can be countered usually by a more complex clap

Well, of course i'm not talking about noob clap which starts with pressing "с". But even after some changes its still a noob clap.
Originally Posted by ruadhan View Post
This topic about noob clapping is debateable but, it is very annoying for the people who are very good at toribash.

That kinda made me lol ^^
good players shouldnt care about the opener of their opponent. they should be able to counter any move by improvising.
in aikido the "noob clab" is a good opener to gain a neutral position. you can either attack (lift or push) or defend ... so it is a very good move in my opinion. it depends on your skills, of course, how you use it.
i agree, steena, but wouldn't lifting be classed as a shovel, i i h8 shovels :v
WhY L1V3 L1F3 SrSlY. N0 0N3 M4K3S 1T 0UT 4L1V3 4NYW4Y. >.<
The only way to get around it, is stop playing with the people that use the move. I'm not bothered by it much, people just get annoyed because they lose to it.
...It's fun when people don't know how to counter a move, they hate it immediately.

It's not a hard thing to counter a "noob" clap or "noob" shovel in Aikido.
Take a look at what the opponent does. Where does the strength come from? Maybe you could try messing those parts up?
Originally Posted by Steena View Post
That kinda made me lol ^^
good players shouldnt care about the opener of their opponent. they should be able to counter any move by improvising.
in aikido the "noob clab" is a good opener to gain a neutral position. you can either attack (lift or push) or defend ... so it is a very good move in my opinion. it depends on your skills, of course, how you use it.

I agree and disagree.
Just as long as they only use noob clapping up until a certain point where they should be good enough at the game to do some more complex moves.