How to forge flames on toribash:
Go to free play in toribash and click ctrl + L to open the flame forger.
There are some kind of settings to work on:
In MISC, there are 5 settings:
bodypart - That controls the places where the flame is starting;
timestep - Is the time that each particle of the flame has: more timestep, faster;
damping - Shows the distance between the flame's particles;
blend - Shows different color;
sink - If sink is 1, the flame will not pass the ground.
In RGB, You control the flame color:
color_r/g/b changes the color in the flame's start.
target_color_r/g/b changes the color in the flame's end/target.
randoms control the randomness of the colors, such as rainbows.
target_color_scale shows how big the "target_color" is.
Note: If you use
blend, of MISC, you can have different colors, like I said.
The AGE controls the longitivity of the flame:
age_start - Shows where the flame ends: 100 age_start, no flame because it ends in the beggining;
age_limit - Shows how long the flame can be;
age_sigma - Delimits the place of the particles: If the age_sigma is at 200, the particles are only at the border of the flame not in the flame's area;
emit_scale - Shows the flame with more area, if 100.
emit_amount - Shows how many flame particles the flame has: more emit_amount, more particles.
The SIZE setting is really easy:
size shows the size of the beggining of the flame.
target_size shows the size of the end of the flame.
randoms show the randomness of the sizes: it can have a particle with size 15 and size 20 at the same time depending on how much random you used.
target_size_scale shows how big is the
target_size (not in particles but area occuping).
The XYZ is really difficult. Here is where you make the flame move to somewhere, but that needs experience using velocity and gravity at the same time. It's like hold/relax in MP.
x, y and
z mean the direction of the flame.
randoms (not velocity here or random_random) move the particles to the x, y or z lines, by the two ways:
Left and Right is random_displace_x...
random_random is directioning (in the place) the particles everywhere, like someone is shaking your head to everywhere. It's crazy.
The rotatable is the function that works only when moving flame. It rotates more the flame, of course...
Gravity and velocity combine together. The velocity moves the beggining of the flame. And the gravity, the end.
velocity_random shots your particles to everywhere (out of the place).
Finnally, the SFX, the special settings:
orbit - moves your flame towards the selected bodypart (
orbit_magnitude - is the power that your flame has towards the selected bodypart;
orbit_epsilon - makes the beggining of the flame damper (damping);
gravitate - is the power of some particles towards a couple of other particles;
gravitate_magnitude - shows more power, if more magnitude;
gravitate_epsilon - makes particles damper...;
gravitate_max_radius - limit area of gravitation;
follow - is the power of some particles crashing on other, following them;
follow_magnitude - shows more power, if more magnitude;
follow_epsilon - makes particles damper...;
sink_body - it's the effect to make particles disappear in a determinated area controled by
sink_body_bodypart - it's the selected bodypart to remove the particles near it.
Thanks for reading this!
Note: JC! Gimme teh moneeehh!!!