Christmas Lottery
Wouldn't have thought of using a skyscraper in a headtexture that's for sure.

C'mon people Enter! I will give 4k to the next 4 people who post a tutorial! 4k just for entering!
Last edited by KungFuJC; Jan 8, 2010 at 10:03 PM.
[GATA Elite #2][PigeonHive]Ldr's
Space Balls

1. Make your canvas 1600 x 1300 and fill it with black.

2. Create New Layer--choose the Ellipse Select tool and draw a circle big enough to fit the canvas.

3. On the same layer go to Effects—Selection—Outline
Color= 255 for all (white)

4. Then go to Effects—Blur—Gaussian Blur—30px (Use your discretion)

5. Add New Layer and repeat Step 3.

6. Repeat Step 4, but blur up to 17 px.

7. On a New Layer, repeat Step 6 following the exact same settings (you should have four layers all together). After, go to Blur—Fragment Blur
Fragment count= 3
Fragment distance=41

There was some confusion about Step 7. All you have to do is blur the circle 17 px (ignore the part about Step 4).
Duplicate this Fragment Layer 3-4 times and merge them all together.

8. Right above the Background Layer, Create a New Layer. Draw a circle (a bright color) just the same size as the ones above. This will be used to select the outside of the circle instead of drawing new ones each time. You should deselect the layer.

9. Right above the “Step 8” layer, create a New Layer.

10. Click the “Step 8” layer and using the Magic Wand tool, click on the inside of the circle. Now, click on the "Step 9" layer and using your radial gradient tool, run it just slightly below the middle of the circle.

11. With the circle still selected, create a New Layer above the “Step 9" layer and draw two lines at the bottom of the circle. The lines should be around 20 px and lighter in color than the “Step 9” layer. Draw the same lines for the top of the circle.

12. Duplicate Layer 7 and move it down(the one with the lines). Go to –Adjustments—Black and White—Brightness/Contrast. Brightness and Contrast should both be 100.

13. Select the second Layer 7 and move the selected pixels just slightly below the "Step 11" layer. You should blur both Layer 7's using Gaussian Blur at 1 px.

You might also notice that the white lines may be protruding from the sides. Just go to “Step 8" layer and select the outside of it. Go to the second Layer 7 and press Delete.

14. Create a New Layer above the first Layer 7. With the circle still selected, choose Ellipse Select and Selection Mode should be: Subtract.

15. Set your primary color to white and secondary to transparent. Using the linear gradient tool, draw in the highlight starting from the left side. Go to Effects—Blur—True Blur=1.64

16. Go back to the second Layer 7. Keep the circle selected. Gaussian Blur the white lines at around 7px. If you’d like more glow, just go to about 10 px.

17. On a New Layer above bottom white highlight, use the same method for the bottom highlight as done in Steps 14 and 15.


18. Right above Layer 7, create a New Layer. It should be Layer 11. Draw in circles using the Ellipse Tool with Draw Filled Shape selected.

You might need to do larger circles on a separate layer and smaller ones on another. I did larger one on Layer 11 and smaller circles on Layer 12. Duplicate both layers and move them below the original ones and make them glow using either Gaussian blur or Photo—Glow.

19. Above Layer 10 (for me, this is Layer 13), use the Select Ellipse tool and create a smaller circle at the top and draw in four lines using the line tool of about 9 px or so. The ellipse select tool will help you keep all of the lines uniform.

20. Now, go to the gradient tool and select it. Make sure both of your primary and secondary colors are solid in the Colors Window. Then, select Linear gradient and then Transparency Mode. (don’t forget to smooth the lines out using True Blur at about 1.64 px)

21. Add New Layer right above Layer 13 (the four lines). In your colors window, choose White as Primary and Transparent as Secondary. With your Ellipse Select Tool, draw in the circle down to the middle of the circle. Move your gradient tool from top to bottom. Add a New Layer and draw in a smaller circle and repeat the gradient motion. **REMEMBER: Use True blur of 1.64 radius SEPARATELY!!!

22. Finally, with your magic wand tool select the “Select Circle.” Go to the top most layer and create New Layer (this should be the very first layer in this project). Repeat the same Gradient motion from top to bottom.

Your result should be similar to this:

Flatten all layers except for the Background layer. After it’s flattened, add the black layer again.

For the shadow of the ball, skew it down and use the Transparency mode to make it look transparent.

***Sorry for the lack of pics***
PigeonHive Flap Buzz

1 - Open an image on gimp(you can stick with the default)

2 - Open the image you want to mirror - AS A LAYER .

3 - Duplicate the layer, do this by right clicking on the layer and clicking duplicate.

4 - Move the Duplicate to the bottom of the original and select the Flip tool and flip the duplicate Vertically.

5 - With the Rectangle Tool, select the Duplicate and activate the quick mask(Shift + Q)

6 - Select the Gradient tool, make sure its the transparent layer and that it´s linear.

7 - Fill the duplicate from TOP TO BOTTOM with the gradient tool.

8 - Deactivate the quick mask.

9 - To make the effect visible go to EDIT»DELETE/CLEAR

You should have you´re mirror effect done.

I know this is one of the most simple tuts ever, BUT HEY! at least i tried lol
Last edited by fcpavao; Jan 9, 2010 at 12:59 PM.
This sig lacks creativity.

True Story.
How to forge flames on toribash:

Go to free play in toribash and click ctrl + L to open the flame forger.

There are some kind of settings to work on:


In MISC, there are 5 settings:

bodypart - That controls the places where the flame is starting;
timestep - Is the time that each particle of the flame has: more timestep, faster;
damping - Shows the distance between the flame's particles;
blend - Shows different color;
sink - If sink is 1, the flame will not pass the ground.

In RGB, You control the flame color:

The color_r/g/b changes the color in the flame's start.
The target_color_r/g/b changes the color in the flame's end/target.
The randoms control the randomness of the colors, such as rainbows.
The target_color_scale shows how big the "target_color" is.

Note: If you use blend, of MISC, you can have different colors, like I said.

The AGE controls the longitivity of the flame:

age_start - Shows where the flame ends: 100 age_start, no flame because it ends in the beggining;
age_limit - Shows how long the flame can be;
age_sigma - Delimits the place of the particles: If the age_sigma is at 200, the particles are only at the border of the flame not in the flame's area;


emit_scale - Shows the flame with more area, if 100.
emit_amount - Shows how many flame particles the flame has: more emit_amount, more particles.

The SIZE setting is really easy:

The size shows the size of the beggining of the flame.
The target_size shows the size of the end of the flame.
The randoms show the randomness of the sizes: it can have a particle with size 15 and size 20 at the same time depending on how much random you used.
The target_size_scale shows how big is the target_size (not in particles but area occuping).

The XYZ is really difficult. Here is where you make the flame move to somewhere, but that needs experience using velocity and gravity at the same time. It's like hold/relax in MP.

The x, y and z mean the direction of the flame.
The randoms (not velocity here or random_random) move the particles to the x, y or z lines, by the two ways: Left and Right is random_displace_x...
The random_random is directioning (in the place) the particles everywhere, like someone is shaking your head to everywhere. It's crazy.
The rotatable is the function that works only when moving flame. It rotates more the flame, of course...
Gravity and velocity combine together. The velocity moves the beggining of the flame. And the gravity, the end.
The velocity_random shots your particles to everywhere (out of the place).

Finnally, the SFX, the special settings:

orbit - moves your flame towards the selected bodypart (orbit_bodypart);
orbit_magnitude - is the power that your flame has towards the selected bodypart;
orbit_epsilon - makes the beggining of the flame damper (damping);
gravitate - is the power of some particles towards a couple of other particles;
gravitate_magnitude - shows more power, if more magnitude;
gravitate_epsilon - makes particles damper...;
gravitate_max_radius - limit area of gravitation;
follow - is the power of some particles crashing on other, following them;
follow_magnitude - shows more power, if more magnitude;
follow_epsilon - makes particles damper...;
sink_body - it's the effect to make particles disappear in a determinated area controled by sink_body_radius.
sink_body_bodypart - it's the selected bodypart to remove the particles near it.

Thanks for reading this!

Note: JC! Gimme teh moneeehh!!!
nice tuts allready! nice increase in difficulty level as u read along.
i will send tc`s !
[WAPOW] ", Commissar we cant be sure yet _but it looks like he was killed by a hazelblunt object"
chillax there's still atleast 1 more person to gain 4k yet. Altho I'm pretty sure Tbashed that there's already a Forge tut on the forums.

So much for display of power so far. Remember you can have 3 tuts each.

I was tempted to release some non-texture pure awesome for this, the likes of which you have never seen. but.... I Feel it would be abit waisted atm. C'mon guys... n FC you know it doesn't have to be 2d related. TP's already hoovered up 2d Swishness. You play an instrument rite? Or does anyone actually know some Kung Fu?
Last edited by KungFuJC; Jan 10, 2010 at 04:35 PM.
[GATA Elite #2][PigeonHive]Ldr's